Supported Question Formats
Make your exams unique by including various question formats that work best for your Institute.

Self-Grading Close-Ended Questions
Single and multiple-choice questions that are self-grading and require no review from the exam assessors.
- Close multiple choice and multiple response questions: You can formulate multiple choice questions where candidates are required to select only one response as the correct answer by ticking/checking in the box. You can also formulate multiple choice questions which require candidates to select more than one response. Questions with multiple responses contain many possible right answers. Candidates will select all correct answers by ticking/checking in all the required answer boxes.
- True or false questions: You can formulate a true-or-false question for the candidates, whereby they respond by picking either the True or False option. The "True or False" choices can be changed to "Yes or No," "Right or Wrong," etc.
Self-Assessing Open-Ended Questions
You can create short, open-ended questions that self-assess candidates using predetermined standards and don't need the exam assessors to review them further.
- Fill-in-the-blank questions: questions where Candidates are given the opportunity to type an answer for each blank spot in the questions.
- Question sorting – Question sorting are type of questions that enable candidates to rank the answer choices in the proper order.
- Matching questions: candidates are required to match up pairs of questions and answers for matching questions.
Open-Ended Descriptive Questions
Open ended questions measure the candidate’s capacity to present in-depth responses. The exam assessor will then manually review each of the examination scripts.
- Essay questions: You can formulate essay questions if you want your assessment to be an essay type of evaluation, where candidates can provide open responses, and brief comments. Such type of questions cannot be automatically marked by the system, but they require the exam assessor to manually grade candidates since the questions are subjective.
- Comprehension questions: You can formulate comprehensive questions. The reading of comprehension questions is intended to gauge how well a candidate comprehends what he/she has read. After reading a text, candidates are expected to respond to questions.
Utilise our question editor to maximise your examinations

Manage question categories and labels, add, delete, and edit questions using the question editor, and bulk import questions. With a range of challenging questions, you may engage and challenge your candidates. Include attention-grabbing images, audio, and video materials in your test preparation.
Use a range of test attachments, including pictures, videos, audio files, and pdf files. The candidates can download spreadsheets and other files, fill them out, and then upload the results as their answers. While the audio and video files you uploaded are playing, you can decide for the candidate, whether they have permission to stop, skip ahead, and how many times they can play the video or audio.
Equation Editor
The examination questions equation editor makes it very easy to create and edit complex mathematics , physics, and chemistry assignments equations.
Comprehensive Customisation Of The Questions
You can utilise Rich Text Formatting and programming languages in our question editor.
Scoring Customisation
Based on the difficulty of your questions, you may decide to give candidates partial, erroneous, or bonus points for their responses.
- Partial score: The candidate may receive a partial score for the question depending on their response (if they did not provide a fully accurate response). In multiple-choice questions, the options can be weighted, and the exam result may be impacted by the question's success rate, which is multiplied by the question's score. In a 5-option question, for instance, if two answers are accurate, each can be given a 50% success rate. The candidate receives a complete score for the question if they choose two of the five accurate alternatives.
- Negative penalty point: When a question is answered poorly, it may result in a low score (negative penalty point) in the exam. For this, it is possible to determine the questions' default "negative" score.
Fixed order and random selection of examination question

Random selection of questions to form an examination can help you create better assessments for your candidates and prevent cheating. However, a fixed order of examinations is available by default.
Fixed Order For All Candidates
All of your candidates will have access to the same set of questions. The majority of your needs will be met by this option, which is the most fundamental. And if you need more, Lucid Exams has incredible extra features you may check out.
Randomness And Mixing
By randomising questions or rearranging the order of questions, you can prevent cheating. To ensure that candidates don't receive the same set of questions every time, create a question pool to randomly assign questions or alter the sequence of questions.
- Automatic selection from a question pool: Select the number of questions from a specified list that our sophisticated algorithms should draw at random.
- An undetermined test sheet drawn at random: Your test sets should be prepared in numerous distinct iterations. One of them will be chosen at random for each candidate.
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