Secure online exams, done right
Start your exam today!
Whether you need to administer a certification test, a college exam, or a job interview, Lucid Exams can help you ensure the integrity and security of your assessment. With Lucid Exams, you can create and manage your exams online, monitor your candidates in real time, and review their performance with advanced analytics
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What is Lucid
The Lucid online examination system is a structured, automated system that produces instant results and saves time.
It provides complete exam solutions, including exam setup, excellent proctoring, communication, and certification.
With transparency in online exams, you can identify and discourage academic dishonesty during remote assessments.
Software using artificial intelligence may recognise unusual movements, sounds, and behaviours.
The system aims to give students an easier way of writing exams without the fear of missing out due to other factors such as sickness or injury. A system that would make conducting and evaluating examinations not only massive but also simple, cost-effective, and much faster.

What does Lucid Exams offer you?
Why should you choose Lucid Exams?

AI-Assisted Remote Proctoring
The candidate will be invigilated via remote conference technology, in a cheating-free way using high-speed internet and a PC with a camera.

Al-based Anti-cheating
Face recognition is employed to automatically authorise candidates, through the uploading of the candidates photo

Exam Management
With the help of Lucid Exams system, institutions can quickly design a simplified exam schedule that is best for candidate’s growth.

Candidate Management
Each candidate upon exam registration, receives a unique invitation code, one they will use to log into the examination portal day of the exam.

Candidate Portal
Using our secure payment channels, candidates can purchase and pay for their examinations from their own portal (the candidate’s platform).

Registration and Payments Workflow
You can integrate with a payment gateway for candidates to process payment without leaving the system.

Artificial Intelligent Assisted Reporting
Create an automated report for each question that includes information on the number of right, wrong, and skipped answers by candidates.

Certifications and Certficates
Some candidates prefer recognition for the skills earned while studying. We make it easy to issue certificates. They can be customised.

Data Security With Multifactor Authentication
Secure Sockets Layer, is an encryption-based Internet security protocol. It digitally signs data in order to provide data integrity
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